Incompatible with VNC Screen Sharing

When screen sharing to Linux from a Mac – “The software on the remote computer appears to be incompatible with this version of Screen Sharing.”

On Linux;

  1. Download dconf-tools by typing in Terminal ‘sudo apt-get install dconf-tools’ – or install from the Software Manager
  2. Run dconf-Editor
  3. Expand ‘org’ > ‘gnome’ > ‘Desktop’
  4. Select ‘Remote Access’
  5. Uncheck ‘Require Encryption’
  6. Exit dconf-Editor

On RaspberryPi;

  1. sudo raspi-config
    > Interface Options > VNC > Enable. Reboot.
  2. Generate the password you wish to use in screen with vncpasswd -service
    sudo vncpasswd -service
  3. Create and edit the following file here:
    sudo nano /etc/vnc/config.d/common.custom
  4. Enter the following config:
  5. Restart the vnc service:
    sudo systemctl restart vncserver-x11-serviced
  6. Open Screen with the instructions above, and use the password you provided to vncpasswd.

If you need to monitor the logs for vncserver, you can use journalctl:

sudo journalctl -u vncserver-x11-serviced.service

Other parameters you can use with VncServer configs are described here: